Futuristic Computerized Glasses: Wearable Mini Computers?

Would you wear a pair of glasses that looked like they stepped out of a Star Trek episode or James Bond movie? How much would you pay for a pair of glasses that are designed to be used as wearable mini computers? Each year, modern technology will take a leap of faith to introduce new and innovative digital gadgets for consumers. Most digital devices purchased now-a-days appear to get their inspiration from the gadgets seen or featured in Sci-Fi programs.

Augmented reality glasses, such as the Google Glasses are changing the way people interact with modern technology. These glasses are designed to perform a myriad of functions like translating a foreign language as it is spoken, to accessing information and sharing what the individual is viewing by way of a camera built into the glasses. Such computing devices could unleash novel ways for consumers to share up-to-the-minute breathtaking or spine-tingling moments with others.

On the flipside, many critics feel that futuristic computerized glasses can be another digital distraction by shortening an individual’s attention span and become problematic to create unawareness about what is currently happening around them. Another point is raised about how this device will accommodate individuals with eye problems who need corrective lens. Consumers have to also wonder what the peripherals will look like to print documents and photographs on.

The Internet connected glasses, like the Google Glasses will start around $ 1,500 and its anticipated launch period is expected to begin in 2014. The choice is yours, if you have the money to invest in a computerized device that is wearable on your face. The invention and introduction of Internet connected glasses is certainly a game changer in the quest for new channels of engagement with digital technology.

Kym Gordon Moore, author of “Diversities of Gifts: Same Spirit,” is an award winning poet, author, speaker, philanthropist, certified email marketing specialist and an authority in strategic marketing. http://www.kymgmoore.com She is co-founder of Favorite Things for a CAUSE. http://www.favoritethingsforacause.com and was selected as one of the 2012 U.S. World Book Night Volunteer Book Givers.

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Will Google Glasses Forever Change How We Look at Computers?

Google is planning to release a high-tech set of display glasses by the end of 2012. These glasses are a revolutionary concept in computers, and will take the idea of the mobile computing one step further. The glasses are rumored to have an outward facing camera, whose job is to record your movements and gestures. Supposedly, the technology will also allow your hand can reach out like a computer mouse and control the glasses’ navigation. The best part about these glasses is that the lenses are clear, which allow you to stay in touch with the rest of the world, instead of the traditional tablets, that can become all-consuming. The glasses will be Android based, and will have flash and voice input capabilities.

Sources say the glasses will be priced similar to a smartphone, and could cost anywhere from $ 150 to $ 600, with some sources say closer to $ 250 for a pair. The glasses may look a little geeky in their first versions, but will supposedly look similar to a pair of Oakley’s Thumbs MPS player glasses. While the screens are transparent, the heads up display is only for one eye, and will supposedly not even take up the whole screen.

Google is still unsure if they will find a market for this product. The glasses are considered a pet project, to see if the world is ready for a new form of computing. The idea was thanks in part to Google’s ‘Google X’ laboratory, where they trial experimental, “out there” ideas. Google has always allowed it’s engineers to devote 20 percent of their time towards these experimental projects and have tested out products as wacky as talking refrigerators and robot workers. There is even a rumored ‘self-drive’ vehicle in the works that could change the future of transportation. Google proudly admits that they have invested quite a bit of money in very speculative Research and Development projects; some of which have been more successful than others.

If Google can find a market for their Google Glasses, they could potentially change everything we know, from marketing and advertising, to the way we do business and operate in our personal lives. Adding a fully functioning computer to our already expanding human capacity could elevate our society to a completely new level. Buyers, however, will be the ones to accept or reject this technology, and it may prove to be only a first step in introducing a revolutionary product from Google.

As a top 5 search engine optimization company, ArteWorks is excited to see what kind of response this kind of technology will receive.

Matt Foster is the CEO of ArteWorks SEO, a full service Internet marketing firm, who has been active in the SEO industry since 1995. Mr. Foster can be found on Twitter @ArteWorks_SEO. ArteWorks SEO can be found at www.arteworks.biz.

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